Exhibitor Registration Form

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Terms and Conditions

By submitting this online application you acknowledge the following:

  • You will offer the merchandise or service you listed above, or contact the Vendor Chair with any changes at least 60 days prior to the quilt show.
  • You will provide one door prize of merchandise at a $20 - $30 value.
  • CVQG will provide booth space, pipe and black draping, and an electrical outlet. You will provide tables, display equipment, seating, etc.

You understand you must provide your own insurance coverage and agree to hold the Carson Valley Quilt Guild harmless against any claims arising out of loss due to fire, theft, vandalism, destruction, injury, damage and/or any other cause, to any person or property including but not limited to materials, supplies, equipment, stock-in-trade or any other property in connection with the use of such space, storage and/or staging areas, or any activity related to the transportation to, display within or removal from such space and its environs.

Vendor Booth Purchase

Please be sure to read our terms and conditions on the left side bar prior to submitting this form.

Once you have completed the online application by clicking the submit button, we will verify your application and your booth space reservations. Upon approval you will be sent a request for payment via PayPal to the email that is provided on the online submission form. Once your payment has been submitted – you are all set! We will be contact with you regarding your booth confirmation.

x $275.00

Total: $

Carson Valley Quilt Guild

1362 U.S. Highway 395
Suite 102 #90
Gardnerville, NV 89410
Laurie Lile, President

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Attendee Quote

I am looking forward to the Quilt show in June...I went to the last show there, and it was GREAT...A must see show....